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Affair Recovery Counseling

Photo of a couple riding a bike together. This represents how therapy can help strengthen your relationship.

Couples often have a hard time meeting one another’s attachment needs. When communication breaks down, and attachment needs go unmet, one or both partners can look outside the relationship for what they are longing for. In time, this can lead to infidelity, which is one of the most traumatic experiences for couples.

At Deep Connections Counseling, we take a non-judgmental approach towards the underlying causes of infidelity in affair recovery counseling. We help couples create a more secure bond by teaching them emotional responsiveness, which is turning towards one another in moments of need instead of disconnecting and seeking comfort outside the relationship.

We help couples understand the emotional and physical reasons for disconnection and we introduce them to the strategies for creating safe and secure attachments. It is important to know that we will not shame the unfaithful spouse nor blame the betrayed spouse. This is a safe place for both of you to heal.

What is infidelity therapy?

Navigating the waters of couple infidelity after one or both partners have been unfaithful can be a challenging situation. When an affair occurs, one partner is often left feeling betrayed, devastated, angry, resentful, and alone. They often take their frustration out on the unfaithful partner, especially in the case of multiple cheating episodes.

Festering grudges, unresolved offenses, and poisonous self-loathing are all the needed ingredients to fracture a relationship to the point of no return. Affairs often happen when a person feels unheard, unappreciated, or filled with discontent.

When one person is absent from the relationship or not making enough effort, the other is bound to feel a void. To fill that void and that emptiness, the person may resort to finding love, affection, or even appreciation somewhere else, hence the infidelity.

Other times, it’s not a lack of attention that leads to an affair, but rather the opposite. The person may feel too restricted, too guarded, to the point of suffocating. So much so that the only plausible escape and chance of freedom consists of going outside the current relationship.

Photo of a couple hugging and looking at the sea. When faced with these insecurities, don’t turn away. Work for the relationships that you still have in your life and argue against insecure thoughts that come from feelings of loneliness. Couple Therapy For Empty Nesters And Couples In Midlife Crises can help you find purpose in this new phase of your life.

Whether a person needs more space or whether they need their space filled, for a relationship to be successful, it necessitates a deep level of commitment from both parties. More specifically, both partners need to feel safe, secure, and comfortable in the relationship they fostered.

The building blocks of any fulfilling and mutual bond are a high level of trust, utter respect, emotional intimacy, love, and companionship. This is why when one or both partners act in a way that is damaging to that sacred bond, the aftermath is often tumultuous.

With that said, recovering from infidelity is not impossible. This is where professional counseling and therapy come in. Rebuilding trust after an affair or betrayal may seem outlandish, but many couples who have put in the hard work and commitment to overcome the hardships of cheating find that rebuilding their relationship after the trauma makes for a much stronger, healthier, and closely connected bond.

Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy

Human emotions and feelings are a complex entity, often fragile and when wounded, quite difficult to heal and restore. Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) helps couples re-establish and rebuild loving emotional bonds between two partners through overcoming their negative cycles of rebuttal.

This therapy is based on the foundation that all human beings crave emotional connections with others. They crave the joysand comforts of attachment, they’re excited to share the ups and downs of life with their other half, and they seek to walk in union.

When infidelity happens, it’s often the product of emotional disconnection. As a result, one or both partners begin to yield numerous cycles of negative comment as a shield, to protect themselves from additional emotional pain. In this regard, the hollow void and seclusion they feel is masked by feelings of resentment, anger, and frustration.

So through EFT, when one half of the couple feels sad or neglected by something their partner did, they can open communication channels to truthfully iterate their inner feelings. Sometimes, it’s easy for a discussion to escalate into a big argument leading to the couple reacting defensively or out of self-preservation.

In order for the couple to successfully re-build their impaired emotional connection, they need to be open to communication. They also need to show courage and trust when discussing their hurt emotions. Moreover, partners must be able to engage in constructive conversations without lashing out or clinging to their defenses and the walls they’ve built around them.

EFT addresses the root cause of this emotional disconnection to prepare the partners on their journey of learning how to be genuine, vulnerable, and open with one another. This is what will get them to the final point of therapy, which is to love one another both exclusively and unconditionally.

Why you need affair recovery counseling

If you are struggling with overcoming betrayal and infidelity, if you have suffered the fracturing reality of cheating, you may be reluctant to trust your partner or let them in on the emotional disconnection you’re feeling.

Taking the first step towards rebuilding your relationship and being willing to hear your partner without hiding behind your defensive fortress can be incredibly daunting. But the truth is, you don’t have to, and shouldn’t go through this harrowing experience alone.

If you are struggling with overcoming betrayal and infidelity, if you have suffered the fracturing reality of cheating, you may be reluctant to trust your partner or let them in on the emotional disconnection you’re feeling.

Photo of a recently married couple kissing each other. This represents how counseling for relationships can help you and your partner feel closer.

Taking the first step towards rebuilding your relationship and being willing to hear your partner without hiding behind your defensive fortress can be incredibly daunting. But the truth is, you don’t have to, and shouldn’t go through this harrowing experience alone.

Photo of a man giving flowers to his girlfriend. This represents how pre-marital counseling in North Carolina and Virginia can help you build the foundation for a healthy and happy relationship.

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Deep Connections Counseling

Call or Text: (757) 704-5558

Serving Virginia and North Carolina

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Group

Which will be held every Friday from March 28 to May 9

Details of the group are as follows:

  • Dates: Fridays, March 28-May 9
  • Time: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Location: In-person at the Renova Center in Norfolk and online via Zoom
  • Focus: The group will provide skills training in the areas of mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Cost : your insurance copay or $20 /session
  • Lead by Peyton Davis,  Counseling Intern,  , text 757-704-5558